Da - Wikipedia.

Command line interface (command line interfaceorCLI) is a method of interacting with an operating system or software using a command line interpreter. This interpreter can be a text terminal, a terminal emulator or a remote console client. The concept of CLI was born in the '50s, when teletype machines (TTY teletype machinesor) were connected to computers and offered results on demand.

A CLI pua considered generally made up of a syntax and semantics. The syntax is the grammar that all commands must be respected: in the case of operating systems such as MS-DOS, * nix and the like, there are rules that must comply with all the commands in the case of integrated systems, such as Nortel, Cisco, each designer defines its own set of rules to which all CLI commands should be uniform. The semantics instead determines which operations are possible and what kind of data these operations can be performed.

A simple CLI displays a prompt, which is a default message that alerts the user to be ready to receive commands, these commands accepts Spotsylvania reckless driving that the user enters a "command line" ending with the press of the Enter key, and then or running the specified commands, and then the screen shall display the results of these commands or error messages.