Estrarre con le funzioni del API di libzip i file contenuti da un file compresso .zip

Da - Wikipedia.

La libreria libzip consente di gestire file compressi .zip.

Per poter fruire in gambas delle risorse della libreria libzip, è necessario installare e richiamare la libreria condivisa: " " oppure " ".

Mostriamo un esempio pratico per estrarre uno o più file contenuti in un file compresso .zip:

Library "libzip:4.0"   ' oppure: libzip:5.0

Public Struct zip_stat
  valid As Long
  name As Pointer
  index As Long
  size As Long
  comp_size As Long
  mtime As Long
  crc As Integer
  comp_method As Short
  encryption_method As Short
  flags As Integer
End Struct

' struct zip *zip_open(const char *, int, int *)
' Open zip archive.
Private Extern zip_open(path As String, flags As Integer, errorp As Pointer) As Pointer

' zip_int64_t zip_get_num_entries(zip_t *, zip_flags_t)
' Get number of files in archive.
Private Extern zip_get_num_entries(archive As Pointer, flags As Integer) As Long

' int zip_stat_index(struct zip *, int, int, struct zip_stat *)
' Get information about file by index.
Private Extern zip_stat_index(archive As Pointer, index As Integer, flags As Integer, sb As Zip_stat) As Integer

' struct zip_file * zip_fopen_index(struct zip *, int, int)
' Open file in zip archive for reading by index
Private Extern zip_fopen_index(archive As Pointer, index As Integer, flags As Integer) As Pointer

' zip_int64_t zip_fread(struct zip_file *, void *, zip_uint64_t)
' Read from file.
Private Extern zip_fread(zfile As Pointer, buf As Byte[], nbytes As Long) As Long

' int zip_fclose(struct zip_file *)
' Close file in zip archive.
Private Extern zip_fclose(zfile As Pointer) As Integer

' int zip_close(struct zip *)
' Close zip archive.
Private Extern zip_close(archive As Pointer) As Integer

Public Sub Main()
 Dim percorsoZip, decompresso, zsname As String
 Dim z, zf As Pointer
 Dim i, lun As Integer
 Dim zs As New Zip_stat
 Dim l As Long
 Dim fl As File
 Dim buf As New Byte[64]
 percorsoZip = "/percorso/del/"
 decompresso = "/cartella/ove/saranno/estratti/i/file"
 z = zip_open(percorsoZip, 0, 0)
 If z == 0 Then
   Error.Raise("Impossibile aprire un file '.zip' !")
 For i = 0 To zip_get_num_entries(z, 0) - 1
   If zip_stat_index(z, i, 0, zs) = 0 Then
     zsname = String@(
     Print "Nome:       "; zsname
     Print "Dimensione: "; zs.size
     Print "mtime:      "; zs.mtime
     If Right(zsname, 1) = "/" Then
       zf = zip_fopen_index(z, i, 0)
       If zf == 0 Then
         Error.Raise("Errore alla funzione 'zip_fopen_index()' !")
       fl = Open decompresso &/ File.Name(zsname) For Create
       l = 0
       While l < zs.size
         lun = zip_fread(zf, buf, 64)
         If lun < 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore nella lettura del file !")
         buf.Write(fl, 0, lun)
         l += lun

In quest'altro esempio, simile al precedente, sarà mostrato in apposita ProcessBar lo stato di avanzamento dei file decompressi, contenuti in un unico file compresso zip.

Private Const ZIP As String = "/percorso/del/"
Private Const UNZIP As String = "/cartella/ove/saranno/salvati/i/file/decompressi"
Private z As Pointer
Private entries As Long

Library "libzip:4.0"   ' oppure: libzip:5.0

Public Struct zip_stat
  valid As Long
  name As Pointer
  index As Long
  size As Long
  comp_size As Long
  mtime As Long
  crc As Integer
  comp_method As Short
  encryption_method As Short
  flags As Integer
End Struct

' struct zip *zip_open(const char *, int, int *)
' Open zip archive.
Private Extern zip_open(path As String, flags As Integer, errorp As Pointer) As Pointer

' zip_int64_t zip_get_num_entries(zip_t *, zip_flags_t)
' Get number of files in archive.
Private Extern zip_get_num_entries(archive As Pointer, flags As Integer) As Long

' int zip_stat_index(struct zip *, int, int, struct zip_stat *)
' Get information about file by index.
Private Extern zip_stat_index(archive As Pointer, index As Integer, flags As Integer, sb As Zip_stat) As Integer

' struct zip_file * zip_fopen_index(struct zip *, int, int)
' Open file in zip archive for reading by index
Private Extern zip_fopen_index(archive As Pointer, index As Integer, flags As Integer) As Pointer

' zip_int64_t zip_fread(struct zip_file *, void *, zip_uint64_t)
' Read from file.
Private Extern zip_fread(zfile As Pointer, buf As Byte[], nbytes As Long) As Long

' int zip_fclose(struct zip_file *)
' Close file in zip archive.
Private Extern zip_fclose(zfile As Pointer) As Integer

' int zip_close(struct zip *)
' Close zip archive.
Private Extern zip_close(archive As Pointer) As Integer

Public Sub Form_Open()

 z = zip_open(ZIP, 0, 0)
 If z == 0 Then
   Error.Raise("Impossibile aprire un file '.zip' !")

 entries = zip_get_num_entries(z, 0)
 Print "Numero file da decomprimere: "; entries


Public Sub Button1_Click()

 Dim zf As Pointer
 Dim i, lun As Integer
 Dim zsname As String
 Dim zs As New Zip_stat
 Dim l As Long
 Dim fl As File
 Dim buf As New Byte[64]

 For i = 0 To entries - 1
   If zip_stat_index(z, i, 0, zs) = 0 Then
     zsname = String@(
     Print gb.NewLine; i + 1
     Print "Nome:       "; zsname
     Print "Dimensione: "; zs.size
     If Right(zsname, 1) = "/" Then
       zf = zip_fopen_index(z, i, 0)
       If zf == 0 Then
         Error.Raise("Error !")
       fl = Open UNZIP &/ File.Name(zsname) For Create
       l = 0
       While l < zs.size
         lun = zip_fread(zf, buf, 64)
         If lun < 0 Then Error.Raise("Error !")
         buf.Write(fl, 0, lun)
         l += lun
   ProgressBar1.Value = (i + 1) / entries
   Wait 0.3


