Autore Topic: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix  (Letto 4628 volte)

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Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« il: 26 Novembre 2013, 01:49:56 »
Vi riporto questo messaggio di Minisini apparso nella M.L. ufficiale:


Benoît Minisini

" The same problem remain... some people don't know Gambas and don't
want to know it because it's a BASIC. But the Gambas syntaxe is now a
modern Basic far more modern even than VB.

Long life to us :-)

Fabien Bodard
« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »

Offline akrobaticone

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #1 il: 26 Novembre 2013, 15:11:55 »
Quando si parla di Gambas si scatenano sempre guerre di religione.....boh :-\
"e il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mar"

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #2 il: 26 Novembre 2013, 15:16:32 »
Quando si parla di Gambas si scatenano sempre guerre di religione.....boh :-\

Perchè si tira in ballo sempre Visual Basic. Ecco perchè.

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #3 il: 26 Novembre 2013, 15:22:19 »

Perchè si tira in ballo sempre Visual Basic. Ecco perchè.

Ceskho ha ragione: sussiste in fondo ancora presso molti una dipendenza culturale nei confronti di Microsoft, restando questa ditta per loro un punto di riferimento e di confronto talvolta anche inconscio.
« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #4 il: 26 Novembre 2013, 16:26:17 »

" due there's no critically apps on production environment, there's no
enterprise that uses gambas to any critical application , and i the
only one here that already have that!

also none of the principal modern linux distributions or
meta-distributions use gambas for most used applications, like media
player (such XT-player) or file manager... VenenuX 0.8 was the firts
linux that build ship gambas (dvd) and comes with some important
applications (partition grafical automontaer carontes-fs as example)

Now i pretend in next comming event of cnsl and frisol in Venezuela in
2014 to make presentations about some of high end production
applications and also (of course) a VenenuX Gambas iso for development
(like GambOS)

two of the developments are web cgi based applications, due its more
easy to develop rathen than the stupìd pytnon or php .... (and if
something have dissagree with laste make a new threath about python vs
gambas), gambas its so far the most easy to lear and develop RAD on

AH! AND STOP TO COMPARES TO VISUAL BASIC, how do u think gambas will
be knwoed!? begind the shadows of Mocosoft-Basic? please guys!

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

" Yes, you are right. Do you know/remember "RealBasic"? The company has
recently changed its name to "Xojo". They explicitly write on their website
that they wanted to rid themselves of the "BASIC" image. I quite enjoyed
programming in RealBasic a couple of years ago, though.

But we should not concern ourselves too much with what other programmers
think about our programming environment, should we? As long as we support
each other sufficiently, I don't care how many people actually use Gambas.
Sure, if more people use it, chances are that they start programming useful
components, but I personally intend to use Gambas for recreational purposes
(mathematics) as well as, a bit, for professional tasks.


" I earn my life with a web application made with Gambas: I have currently
twenty servers running it Gambas 24 hours a day. Many problems
encountered of course, but no Gambas-related problem for a long time...

Here is what these applications do:
- Tracking cars, trucks, phone devices... displayed on a map.
- Managing tag cleaning of Paris.
- Managing most of road signs of Paris.
- Call center.
- ...and many other things I can't translate in english!

Benoît Minisini

" WOW!! how quickly response to my lasted mail about that topic!

well its clarelly that most linux users do not know already about that' facts!
so then the need its more stability, less "evolution" (ok ok, but that's enough)
gambas are really powerfully but litlle people already know it!

a example of power of gambas its
but its only in french (i have now studing french oh men! god daemon!
due in that site theres a lot of resources of gambas, more rather than here ok)
due its only in french a lof of people loss relationship and code interchange!

another problem its the documentation, has two defects:
1) its only online
2) its vage on newer features and "evolutive" things such gb.web, gb.v4l, gb.jit
without good documentation, people dont want to use ... and loss interest

now i'll respond all the mails (thats was the most quickly response of
my mail history wow)

« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »

Offline akrobaticone

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #5 il: 26 Novembre 2013, 18:09:13 »
con un amico abbiamo realizzato un sistema di pesatura con Gambas che gira su un Panel PC
il pilotaggio e la lettura sensori avviene in modbus
sono mesi che funziona senza problemi
per quanto mi riguarda meno male che avevo a disposizione Gambas che mi ha permesso di realizzare il lavoro.
Concordo che la somiglianza con VB non giova, soprattutto in ambito Linux dove il Basic viene guardato con sufficenza
Perlomeno questa è la mia impressione

"e il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mar"

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #6 il: 26 Novembre 2013, 18:21:03 »
Concordo che la somiglianza con VB non giova

Il problema di fondo è più che altro storico. Il BASIC non è mai nato con l'intento di essere il migliore tra i linguaggi di programmazione e conobbe fortuna solo perchè all'epoca il miglior linguaggio era il C che, è risaputo, ti fa dannare l'anima già dal primo Hello World. Il BASIC era etichettato (lo è tutt'ora purtroppo) come il linguaggio-giocattolo che non permette di essere dei veri sviluppatori. Purtroppo la questione è che il BASIC è un linguaggio di altissimo livello e questo comporta i suoi limiti. Gambas eredita, pertanto, pregi e difetti di questo. Se poi a questo aggiungi il fatto che Gambas vuole rendere universale lo sviluppo sia per GTK+ che per QT allora capisci quanto la cosa sia complicata.

A mio modesto parere si sarebbe dovuto prendere il progetto iniziale, basarlo solo sulle QT (dove gambas è nettamente migliore rispetto alle GTK+) e creare un linguaggio che fosse facile come il BASIC ma non BASIC. Se cerchi di rendere il tuo progetto compatibile con Visual Basic per forza verai associato a quel prodotto. È inevitabile e ne devi pagare le conseguenze.

Offline Michy9393

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #7 il: 27 Novembre 2013, 12:53:52 »
Concordo che la somiglianza con VB non giova

Il problema di fondo è più che altro storico. Il BASIC non è mai nato con l'intento di essere il migliore tra i linguaggi di programmazione e conobbe fortuna solo perchè all'epoca il miglior linguaggio era il C che, è risaputo, ti fa dannare l'anima già dal primo Hello World. Il BASIC era etichettato (lo è tutt'ora purtroppo) come il linguaggio-giocattolo che non permette di essere dei veri sviluppatori. Purtroppo la questione è che il BASIC è un linguaggio di altissimo livello e questo comporta i suoi limiti. Gambas eredita, pertanto, pregi e difetti di questo. Se poi a questo aggiungi il fatto che Gambas vuole rendere universale lo sviluppo sia per GTK+ che per QT allora capisci quanto la cosa sia complicata.

A mio modesto parere si sarebbe dovuto prendere il progetto iniziale, basarlo solo sulle QT (dove gambas è nettamente migliore rispetto alle GTK+) e creare un linguaggio che fosse facile come il BASIC ma non BASIC. Se cerchi di rendere il tuo progetto compatibile con Visual Basic per forza verai associato a quel prodotto. È inevitabile e ne devi pagare le conseguenze.

Condivido l'affermazione!

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #8 il: 27 Novembre 2013, 15:38:19 »

" Dear All

It's been interesting to read about perceptions that BASIC is a "toy" programming language, not to be used for serious projects. I have to reject this notion. There are some very low level system programming tasks for which BASIC may not be the best choice but, in principle, like any other programming language, BASIC is as good as the programmer using it.

I started my programming in the 1980s using FORTRAN 77. I wrote some dreadful "spaghetti" code in those days but, as my experience grew, so did the structure and quality of my programs. After a brief period using CORAL 66 I moved onto using COBOL. If ever there were a language which looks like a "toy" then it is COBOL, using words instead of operator symbols e.g "ADD X TO Y GIVING Z" instead of x + y = z. Deeper reflection shows that this makes the language far more self-documenting than any other. I don't know about now, but for a long time most of the world's banking system was built using COBOL so it must have had something going for it.

Since those days I've used C, C++, Pascal and flavours of BASIC, such as VB and Gambas. In all of those languages it's possible, in fact easy, to write clear, well-structured, easily-maintainable code. It's a failure of the programmer when the logic of a program jumps about all over the place; not a weakness in the programming language. Even C supports "goto" commands and labels.

One thing I have observed over the years is that a lot of programmers like to create the impression to non-developers that coding is intrinsically difficult. The syntax of C and C++ in particular helps to perpetuate this myth. Even fairly experienced developers can be a little awe-struck by uncommented code which embeds several levels of nested functions in a single line. It would probably be quite comprehensible if divided over multiple lines with consistent indentation and a few comments.

I think that the simpler the code is to write and understand, the better the overall quality is likely to be. The BASIC syntax has many advantages in this respect, especially for anybody with a knowledge of English.

It is noteworthy that Gambas and VB have been dismissed as if they are not "proper" development tools. Surely their efficiency for developing applications sets them apart from every other tool. Using either Gambas or VB, it would take less than 60 seconds for anybody with a little experience to start a new project and create a form containing a button which, when clicked, displays a message. I would challenge anybody to do that using any other tools or programming languages.

When all programs ran in text mode, managing the user interface constituted a far smaller proportion of the code. When Windows and the Mac introduced the GUI to everyday applications that all changed and managing the user interface became by far the largest part of most programs. Tools which simplified that aspect of application development were desperately needed and VB satisfied that requirement, taking the market by storm. As time has gone by I have detected a growing opinion amongst developers that tools such as VB make programming too easy, and there been a trend back towards complexity. I accept that changing fashions in user interface design can require greater control of what appears on the screen, such as rounded corners, circular windows and so on. That's fair enough, but there is no reason why those additional functions can't be delivered by building on the relative simplicity of user-friendly tools and easy-to-understand code syntax.

Maybe some programmers see simple development tools as a threat. They are not. A chisel is a simple tool to use but you need a skilled craftsman to get the best out of it. In much the same way there will always be a need for skilled programmers to develop applications of any real importance.

I have experimented with Lazarus. This is another excellent development tool which has the advantage over Gambas of generating native executables and working cross-platform. Lazarus has a good form builder but it is hampered by being based on Pascal and exposing far more of its underlying complexity to the programmer. This provides greater scope for structural and coding errors and makes for more difficult debugging.

I still have a need to develop database applications on Windows from time to time. I use Access/VBA as my tool of choice, but I have noted how Microsoft has made the user interface more complex in recent versions, for no real functional gain. I suspect this is a move to make it look like a more serious tool. When I get back to developing on Linux using Gambas it is like a load being lifted from my shoulders.

Gambas is a tool which every serious developer should examine closely. Its biggest challenge is the mistaken notion which equates professionalism and functionality with complexity.


" 100 % agreed, Nigel.

Maybe leaving away all mentioning of VB in the headlines would already
help a bit in the way the public perceives the project. What I mean is,
the website and the texts describing it for newcomers.  Mentioning VB
could wake evil memories for some folks not so aquainted with modern BASICs.

Why not simply propagating a state-of-the-art RAD tool for Linux, and
when people dig somewhat deeper, they find "oh, it looks like a modern
kind of BASIC, I remember there once was a thing called VB which was
similar but not that strong" ;-)

We might want to present couple of screenshots from different flavours
of Linux and different projects, all looking "very professional" and
stating "rapid development of...", "easy access to...", "object
orientation" etc. It's necessary to find the right words describing the
basic functions to avoid misunderstandings. You can then find a way of
expressing "it's so fast and yet easy just BECAUSE it's a specialised
tool with commands based on the BASIC language". And you have to find a
tone of "this is modern, this saves you time, this is chic".

Look at websites like Darktable (well, it's kinda understatement),
Scribus, LibreOffice etc.

Just my 2 cents


" Ovbiously, do gambas always stay behind the shadows of VB?

do linux related world always stay behind the shadows of mocosoft imitations?

the always excuse are: "we need to get close to end users" please, comme on!

« Ultima modifica: 27 Novembre 2013, 20:40:52 da vuott »
« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »

Offline Top Fuel

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Re: Un breve articolo su Gambas apparso su Phoronix
« Risposta #9 il: 20 Dicembre 2013, 17:18:43 »
La risposta di Nigel dovrei farla leggere ad un tipo che conoscevo in un altro forum, dove aveva aperto un thread sui linguaggi di programmazione e dove avevo accennato a Gambas.
Non l'avessi mai fatto.
Mi ha massacrato in tutte le maniere. Era il solito invasato del C/C++, per lui esisteva solo quello, tutto il resto era merda, in particolar modo gli ambienti di programmazione visuali, che secondo lui erano la morte della programmazione.
Non l'ha fatto solo con me e difatti quel thread non ha superato la seconda pagina... :D
Se volete vi metto anche il link.
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