
Gambas3 => Domande tecniche => Topic aperto da: vuott - 15 Marzo 2014, 16:37:42

Titolo: Aggiornate le istruzioni per l'installazione di Gambas sotto Debian
Inserito da: vuott - 15 Marzo 2014, 16:37:42
Vi segnalo questa comunicazione apparsa nella M.L. ufficiale:

" Hi all,

I have just updated the installation instructions for Debian in the new
Gambas Wiki:

Nice thing is that jessie repository now has a working Gambas 3.5.2.
Adding the jessie repository to your sources.list on wheezy allows you
to install Gambas 3.5.2 from binaries, so good news for the Debian users
among us.

In case you compile and install Gambas3.5.2. from source on wheezy:
gstreamer-1.0 is now found in the wheezy backports
llvm-3.1 is now part of wheezy repository

If you find any irregularities in the instructions, please let me know
so I can correct them.

Kind regards,
