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Topics - ujlain

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Programmazione / How to create a multiple process listener ?
« il: 08 Febbraio 2021, 12:42:03 »
    What I am doing :-
    • I fire multiple instances of an identical command (to convert large MP4 into smaller sized MP4) These processes take different time to execute & terminate.
    • During execution , each process , during its run time outputs multiple progress statements to terminal
    Problem Statement :-
    • Right now , all process render output to single terminal screen
    • I want to capture output of each process and instead show progress process wise on grid layout
    • How do I listen to output of each process ? or how do I create an event based listener for each process ? within this listener , I can write regex code to decipher process and show on grid layout
    Sample skeleton project attached[/list]

    Pagine: [1]