
Gambas3 => Domande tecniche => Topic aperto da: vuott - 23 Ottobre 2013, 15:23:44

Titolo: Nuovo controllo personalizzato: "List Manager"
Inserito da: vuott - 23 Ottobre 2013, 15:23:44
Vi riporto questa discussione apparsa nella M.L. ufficiale:

" I just added a new custom control to the wiki "Additional Components"
page (or you can just go here

It provides a means for the user to manipulate a list of objects.

I wrote it today after I started (yet again) to implement the same thing
directly into another project. I must have done this about 20 times! So
I finally just sat down and wrote the custom control.

Hope you like it.
Titolo: Re: Nuovo controllo personalizzato: "List Manager"
Inserito da: vuott - 23 Ottobre 2013, 17:04:50

" I haven't taken a look at this yet but I've done something similar (maybe?) as a demonstration project for how to use the List class ( (vedi allegato)

It is more focused on the graphical stuff with the List class behind it. It was *not* meant to be a general-purpose control, though, like yours.

[ If you want me to translate the project and comments, I'll do it. ]

Titolo: Re: Nuovo controllo personalizzato: "List Manager"
Inserito da: vuott - 24 Ottobre 2013, 17:04:30

" Well, since posting that I have discovered a few things!

* Gambas doesn't like me calling the project gb.listmgr!  Well, it
doesn't mind but it refuses to recognise it as a component in the IDE
toolbox. So in the next few days I'll change its' name to simply

* Setting default values in the _Properties constant has got some
strange effects.  The Orientation property was defined as
(and the property was initialised to "=Align.Right") but this causes
some aberrant behaviour that I will shortly raise as an issue. In the
meantime, some or all of the control properties need to be set
explicitly either in code or via the IDE properties bar.

Now the biggy!

I have spent some hours today modifying our local copy of the IDE source
so that it displays help for local (i.e. "ThirdParty") components. Why?
Because apart from the list manager we have over 20 custom controls that
we use in projects and the IDE will not display help for non-gb
components (and custom controls must be components not libraries). At
the end of the day we can now have help for these local components based
on in-line code help. I would like to commit the changes I have made

I use eSvn as a front end to svn, which is pretty good but it wont let
me commit to the source repo (because it can't handle my password

@Benoît: I could send you the diffs but I know you don't like them.

So, can anyone tell me
a) how I can get my repo password changed to something else, and
b) does anyone know how to set the password in eSvn for a repo copy?


" Salut Bruce,

maybe you didn't commit something for a long time, could be the change
to ssh, so you have to follow this :

Just an idea!

Titolo: Re: Nuovo controllo personalizzato: "List Manager"
Inserito da: vuott - 30 Ottobre 2013, 16:50:02

" I have added several other utility components to the website. ‎
