
Gambas dal mondo esterno => Mailing List => Topic aperto da: vuott - 08 Ottobre 2014, 23:31:47

Titolo: Come intercettare un codice a barre "Enter"
Inserito da: vuott - 08 Ottobre 2014, 23:31:47
Vi riporto questa discussione:

" When reading bar-codes the gun adds an "Enter" at the end. In a spreadsheet
if the focus was on cell A1 once the bar-code is read the focus will be in
cell A2 as if "Enter" had been pressed.

Codice: gambas [Seleziona]
CatchBarcodeEnter = Key.Code
If Key.Code = Key.Enter Or CatchBarcodeEnter = 65293 Then

It does not work without the 65293 part.

This is not recommended as we are warned: -

"Never compare the value of this property with a numeric constant, because
the key codes may depend on the underlying toolkit. Always use the constants
defined in this class!"

Do you know how I might get around this?



" 65293 is Key.Return. If you don't want to check both keys (one is the
main keyboard, the other is for the numeric pad), just compare Key.Text with "\n".

BenoƮt Minisini