« il: 06 Marzo 2015, 09:54:03 »
Vi riporto questo messaggio:
Hi list,
Vuott thought it would be a good idea to have a tutorial on how to set up
oneself to write a native Gambas component and then to actually write
one. After a marathon session since 10 a.m. today I just completed my
attempt at it.
It's available over here: http://www-e.uni-magdeburg.de/tboege/gambas
Now that I come to think of it, it would
have been better if I wrote it in Markdown, or something, but I can't
be bothered now to convert it. If anyone else is eager to do that, I
will send the LaTeX sources. Also note that I'll do anything else now
than proof-read the article before I give you the link. It is labelled
as "draft" and may contain errors or even missing passages. Also note
that this is a two days' work. Don't expect poetry :-)
If anything the article gives a brief and rather incomplete introduction
to the process but since component programming is difficult and the
interpreter is rich on structure but hardly documented, I don't see any
facette to improve upon. It's a learning by doing (and reading) thing.
Tobi "
« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »