Convertire un file WAV in formato OggVorbis con le funzioni esterne del API di libsndfile

Da - Wikipedia.

La conversione dei formati audio mediante le sole risorse di Sndfile è abbastanza semplice.

E' necessario avere installata nel proprio sistema e richiamare in Gambas la libreria condivisa: " ".

Mostriamo un semplice esempio, nel quale si convertirà un file WAV in un file OGG-Vorbis:

Private Const LUN_BUFF As Long = 4096

Library "libsndfile:1.0.28"

Public Struct SF_INFO
  frames As Long
  samplerate As Integer
  channels As Integer
  format_ As Integer
  sections As Integer
  seekable As Integer
End Struct

Private Const SFM_READ As Integer = &10
Private Const SFM_WRITE As Integer = &20
Private Const SF_FORMAT_OGG As Integer = &200000
Private Const SF_FORMAT_VORBIS As Integer = &60

' SNDFILE * sf_open (const char *path, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo)
' Open the specified file for read, write or both.
Private Extern sf_open(path As String, mode As Integer, sfinfo As SF_INFO) As Pointer

' sf_count_t sf_readf_short (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t frames)
' Function for reading the data chunk in terms of frames.
Private Extern sf_readf_short(sndfile As Pointer, ptr As Pointer, frames As Long) As Long

' sf_count_t sf_writef_short (SNDFILE *sndfile, const short *ptr, sf_count_t frames)
' Function for writing the data chunk in terms of frames.
Private Extern sf_writef_short(sndfile As Pointer, ptr As Pointer, frames As Long) As Long

' const char* sf_strerror (SNDFILE *sndfile)
' Returns to the caller a pointer to the current error message for the given SNDFILE.
Private Extern sf_strerror(sndfile As Pointer) As String

' int sf_close (SNDFILE *sndfile)
' Close the SNDFILE and clean up all memory allocations associated with this file.
Private Extern sf_close(sndfile As Pointer) As Integer

Public Sub Main()
 Dim sfiW, sfiO As SF_INFO   ' Si creano due distinti oggetti struttura "SF_INFO" per il file WAV e il file OGG-Vorbis
 Dim fen, fex As Pointer
 Dim buffer As Short[]
 Dim frm As Long
 sfiW = New SF_INFO
 fen = sf_open("/percorso/del/file.wav", SFM_READ, sfiW)
 If fen = 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore: " & sf_strerror(fen))
' Si impostano le informazioni necessarie ed essenziali per il nuovo file audio OGG-Vorbis nella Struttura "SF_INFO":
 With sfiO = New SF_INFO
   .samplerate = 44100
   .channels = 2
 End With
' Crea e apre in scrittura il nuovo file OGG-Vorbis:
 fex = sf_open("/percorso/del/file.ogg", SFM_WRITE, sfiO)
 If fex = 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore: " & sf_strerror(fex))
 buffer = New Short[sfiW.frames]
 frm = sf_readf_short(fen, buffer.Data, LUN_BUFF)
 If frm > LUN_BUFF Then Error.Raise("Errore: " & sf_strerror(fen))

 Print "\e[5mAttendere...\e[0m"
 While frm > 0
' Scrive i dati audio nel file OGG-Vorbis:
   frm = sf_writef_short(fex, buffer.Data, frm)
   If frm > LUN_BUFF Then Error.Raise("Errore: " & sf_strerror(fex))
   frm = sf_readf_short(fen, buffer.Data, LUN_BUFF)
   If frm > LUN_BUFF Then Error.Raise("Errore: " & sf_strerror(fen))

 Print "Conversione terminata !"