Ottenere informazioni sugli schermi disponibili mediante le funzioni del API di X11

Da - Wikipedia.

La libreria Xlib dello X Window System Standard, versione 11, consente - fra l'altro - anche di ottenere alcune informazioni in ordine agli schermi disponibili.

Si richiamerà l'attuale libreria condivisa di X11: " ".

Mostriamo di seguito un breve codice esemplificativo:

Library "libX11:6.3.0"

' Display *XOpenDisplay(char *display_name)
' Opens a connection to the X server that controls a display.
Private Extern XOpenDisplay(display_name As Pointer) As Pointer

' int XDefaultScreen (Display *display)
' Returns the default screen number referenced by the XOpenDisplay function.
Private Extern XDefaultScreen(display As Pointer) As Integer

' int XDefaultDepth (Display *display, int screen_number)
' Returns the depth (number of planes) of the default root window for the specified screen.
Private Extern XDefaultDepth(display As Pointer, screen_number As Integer) As Integer

' int XConnectionNumber(Display *display)
' Returns a connection number for the specified display.
Private Extern XConnectionNumber(display As Pointer) As Integer

' char *XDisplayName(char *string)
' Returns the name of the display that XOpenDisplay would attempt to use.
Private Extern XDisplayName(disp_string As Pointer) As Pointer

' int XDisplayWidth (Display *display, int screen_number)
' Returns the width of the screen in pixels.
Private Extern XDisplayWidth(display As Pointer, screen_number As Integer) As Integer

' int XDisplayHeight(Display *display, int screen_number)
' Returns an integer that describes the height of the screen in pixels.
Private Extern XDisplayHeight(display As Pointer, screen_number As Integer) As Integer

' int XDisplayWidthMM (Display *display, int screen_number)
' Returns the width of the specified screen in millimeters.
Private Extern XDisplayWidthMM(display As Pointer, screen_number As Integer) As Integer

' unsigned long XBlackPixel (Display *display, int screen_number)
' Returns the black pixel value for the specified screen.
Private Extern XBlackPixel(display As Pointer, screen_number As Integer) As Long

' unsigned long XWhitePixel (Display *display, int screen_number)
' Returns the white pixel value for the specified screen.
Private Extern XWhitePixel(display As Pointer, screen_number As Integer) As Long

' int *XListDepths(Display *display, int screen_number, int count_return)
' Returns the array of depths that are available on the specified screen.
Private Extern XListDepths(display As Pointer, screen_number As Integer, count_return As Pointer) As Pointer

' int XScreenCount(Display *display)
' Returns the number of available screens.
Private Extern XScreenCount(display As Pointer) As Integer

' XCloseDisplay (Display *display)
' Closes a display or disconnect from the X server.
Private Extern XCloseDisplay(display As Pointer)

Public Sub Main()

 Dim disp, lista, lista_prof As Pointer
 Dim depth, screen, connection, i As Integer
' Connessione al Server X e sua impostazione predefinita:
 disp = XOpenDisplay(0)
 If disp == 0 Then Error.Raise("Impossibile connettersi al Server X !")

 screen = XDefaultScreen(disp)

 depth = XDefaultDepth(disp, screen)
 If depth = 1 Then
   Print "E' evidente che hai uno schermo preistorico !"
   Print "Stai utilizzando uno schermo a colori con profondità: "; depth
 connection = XConnectionNumber(disp)
 Print "Il numero di connessione è "; connection
' Mostra le informazioni relative allo schermo:
 Print "Lo schermo è: "; String@(XDisplayName(disp))
 Print "La larghezza dello schermo è: "; XDisplayWidth(disp, screen)
 Print "L'altezza dello schermo è: "; XDisplayHeight(disp, screen)  
 Print "La larghezza dello schermo è di "; XDisplayWidthMM(disp, screen); " millimetri"
 Print "Valore dei pixel neri dello schermo: "; XBlackPixel(disp, screen)
 i = XWhitePixel(disp, screen)
 Print "Valore dei pixel bianchi dello schermo: "; i; " ("; Hex(i); ")"
 lista = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Integer), 1)
 lista_prof = XListDepths(disp, screen, lista)
 Print "Numero di valori disponibili della profondità dello schermo: "; Int@(lista)
' Dereferenziamo la variabile di tipo "puntatore":
 For i = 0 To (Int@(lista) - 1) * 4 Step 4
   Print "Valore profondità disponibile: "; Byte@(lista_prof + i)
 Print "Schermi disponibili = "; XScreenCount(disp)
' Chiude la libreria e libera la memoria allocata:
