Autore Topic: Usare WITH con non-Oggetti  (Letto 378 volte)

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Usare WITH con non-Oggetti
« il: 31 Luglio 2014, 11:22:03 »
Vi riporto questa discussione:

" TRY:
Often I find that I have to do multiple actions on a non-object variable, for instance I might be working with a large string where I need to replace multiple sub-strings, sometimes on a conditional basis. For example, suppose I have a string  S which is a pattern and contains something like "aaa bbb ccc eee".  (Note1 : this is NOT a Subst pattern string!)

Currently I need to write a lot of code like:

Codice: gambas [Seleziona]
wkS=IIf(somecondition, Replace$(S,"aaa","Somebody"),"")
  wks=IIf(someothercondition, Replace$(wkS,"bbb","something","else")
  If instr(wkS,"ddd")>0 then Replace$(wkS,"ddd","Tuesday fortnight)

Would it be possible to provide within gambas a "shortcut" method for such whereby I could write
Codice: gambas [Seleziona]
With wkS
    IIf(somecondition, Replace$("aaa","Somebody","")
End With

where wkS is a String variable, i.e. not an object.

It's just an idea, I was wondering if it is possible.  I have written quite a lot of sed calls to achieve the things I need to do but they are a royal PITA to develop in the first place and an extremely royal PITA to maintain.

Another example might illuminate further.  Again I'll talk about string variables as they are easiest to convey the idea.
Since 3.5 I can do the following sorts of things:

Codice: gambas [Seleziona]
Dim MyWeather As String ="Tuesday -32C"
  Dim MyWeatherComment As String[] = Scan(MyWeather, "* *C")

  With MyWeatherComment
    .[0]=Replace( .[0], "Tuesday", "Tomorrow the maximum temp will be" )
    .[1]=IIf ( Val ( .[1] ) < 19, .[1] & " Brrrrr!", .[1] & " Phew!")
  End With
  Print MySArray.Join(" ")

which results in "Tomorrow the maximum temp will be -32 Brrrrr!"

What I would like to do is

Codice: gambas [Seleziona]
Dim MyWeather As String = "Tuesday 1st August 2014. Exp Max:-32C Hum:2%"
  Dim MyComment As String="Today the maximum temp will be &1 &2"
  With Scan(MyWeather,"* *. Exp Max:*C *)[2]
    Print Subst(MyComment, ., IIf( Val(.)<19,"Brrr!", "Phew")
  End With

In the above pretend code of mine it might be hard to see but on that Print line I'm just using dot, (.) to represent the current With target.  I don't know how the compiler works with WITH but given the above array constructs we now have, it looks like it expands:

Codice: gambas [Seleziona]
WITH <target>
  .something .... .something .....

Codice: gambas [Seleziona]
WITH <target>
  <target>.something .... <target>.something .....

So what I am asking for is an extension such that "." (i.e. " . ") means the current WITH target in any context, or in other words it refers to the WITH target regardless of whether that target is an object or a native datatype. So a lone . would refer to the WITH target itself.

« Chiunque, non ricorrendo lo stato di necessità, nel proprio progetto Gambas fa uso delle istruzioni Shell o Exec, è punito con la sanzione pecuniaria da euro 20,00 a euro 60,00. »